When fee isn't collected:
Scenarios 1: There has been an issue with NAPS that has generated a backlog of transactions. The fee billing can only process a max of 500 transactions per minute so this affects the billing service when there are too many transactions to process as aftermath of the NAPS issue.
To resolve this, select all the pending fee files using the below query on the NPP DB:
select p.ID as schedule_id, pc.FOLDER_NAME, pc.ID, p.PAYMENT_MODE
from pitch_payment_schedule p
LEFT JOIN pitch_client pc on pc.ID=p.ORGANISATION
and p.FEE_STATUS= '2'
Update the Fee Status of the result to '9' if the backlog is more than 400 and restart the Billing service. This is to enable the system start processing fine again. Check NAPS if FEE is being generated now and check the log files size, if too large stop service roll over and then restart service. MAKE SURE TO NOTE THE BATCH ID's DOWN!!!!!!!
Once this is done, start re-introducing the updated files at a maximum of 300 batch id's at a time to enable the system process both the backlog and current requests simultaneously. Do this by changing their 'fee_status' to '2' and giving it a minute to run.
Update a transaction Fee status to '2' (if they aren't above 300) and watch to see if it updates to 9 after 60 secs.
When fee status is stuck on '4' (Payment in progress):
The reason why these batches aren’t having fees collected is because they either have their fee billing configurations set as ‘in_active’ or the debit accounts for the transactions have not been configured for fee billing.
There is a need to engage the business units in order to confirm why these scenarios exist i.e if there was a consensus reached for non fee collection etc.
Generally this is as a result of configuration issues.