
  • Good internet speed (this can be initiated preferably at night for areas with internet speed issues)
  • Minimum data of 1GB


  1. Click here to open the download portal for the Windows Update Assistant tool. Click the Update Now button. This will automatically begin the download of the update tool.



  1. Click on the downloaded file and open it. Then click on Update Now.


  1. Click Next.

  1. Click minimize to let the update tool download the necessary files. Please note that your laptop must be on and connected to the internet for this phase to run successfully.



  1. When the download is at 100%, you will be prompted to restart your machine.


  1. Upon restart, the update process will begin. Please do not shut down your machine or unplug from power during the update process. The PC may reboot several times during the update process.
  2. When the update is at 100% and the PC starts up successfully, please login.
  3. Press Windows + R keys on your keyboard.
  4. Type winver and press enter, to confirm successful update.

  1. Your windows version will be displayed in the new window. (Version is 1809 in the illustration below.

If your update was successful, your Windows 10 version should be 1909.

Next Step: Install and / or enroll the MDM agent on your laptop. 

Kindly refer to the MDM Enrollment User guide document for the steps.

For any enquiries or assistance with any of the steps, kindly email [email protected]